Ultimate Werewolf Extreme

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Ultimate Werewolf Extreme is an interactive game of deduction for 5-75 players who are divided into two teams: Villagers and Werewolves. The Villagers don't know who the Werewolves are, and the Werewolves are trying to remain undiscovered while they slowly eliminate the Villagers one at a time. A Moderator (who isn't on a team) runs the game.
Each game takes place over a series of game days and nights. Each day, the players discuss who among them is a Werewolf and vote out a player. Each night, the Werewolves choose a player to eliminate, while the Seer learns whether one player is a Werewolf or not. The game is over when either all the Villagers or all the Werewolves are eliminated.

Ultimate Werewolf Extreme features incredible artwork, comprehensive rules, a fantastic moderator score pad. What's more, it supports more players than any other game: Up to 75 of your closest friends can converge on up to three simultaneous villages using the components in this box.

Download printable name cards (for scanning names with your cards)

Download printable Certificates

Download printable Moderator Scorepad sheets 

Ultimate Werewolf Extreme features a full moon & micro QR code card backs and is compatible with Ultimate Werewolf Bonus Roles & Ultimate Werewolf Pro. 

Download the Ultimate Werewolf App!

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