Ultimate Werewolf

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Disclaimer: Some roles shown in this video are from Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme.

Ultimate Werewolf is an interactive game of deduction for two teams: Villagers and Werewolves. The Villagers don't know who the Werewolves are, and the Werewolves are trying to remain undiscovered while they slowly eliminate the Villagers one at a time. A Moderator (who isn't on a team) runs the game.

Each game takes place over a series of game days and nights. Each day, the players discuss who among them is a Werewolf and vote out a player. Each night, the Werewolves choose a player to eliminate, while the Seer learns whether one player is a Werewolf or not. The game is over when either all the Villagers or all the Werewolves are eliminated.

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Ultimate Werewolf features a full moon & micro QR code card backs and is compatible with Ultimate Werewolf Extreme, Ultimate Werewolf Bonus Roles, and Ultimate Werewolf Pro

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