UW Moderator App Quick Start

Getting Started With the Ultimate Werewolf Extreme App



  • The app requires you to have a copy of at least one of the following:
  • The app consists of 3 parts:
    • Deck Builder: Generate decks based on player count, which games/expansions you have, and specific criteria.
    • Gameplay Assist: Scan players' cards, names, and faces after cards have been dealt, then use the app to assist you in moderating the game.
    • Timer: This can be used in addition to the gameplay assist or independently, if you just want a timer screen you can show your players.


On is brown with white text and Off is gray with dark gray text. 

  • Manage Collection allows you to choose what sets of cards you have for the Deck Builder. You can also choose to Exclude Cards from this menu.
  • Timer Settings allows you to adjust the Day and Night timers as well as the amount the Day timer will decrease by each day.
    • You can tap the checkbox for each feature to enable or disable them. If “Subsequent Days” is disabled, then each day will use the “First Day” time.
    • Save / Load will allow you to save, load, and delete different presets.
    • Show / Hide Elements will give you a list of features to turn on and off when using either the full screen timer or the standalone timer.
  • Card Scanner allows you to change the card scanning settings by choosing whether or not to scan names (requires wifi connection), scan the faces of your players, show the scanned role on your screen, allow duplicates of your plain Villagers and Werewolves (useful for really big games), and change between the regular-sized cards and the tarot cards that came in the Collector's Edition. You can also toggle the first-time scanning popup.
  • Audio allows you to change the sound and music settings.
    • Play Music will allow music to play during the Night Phase to help cover small sounds from players moving around.
    • Play Sound will enable or disable all sounds.
    • You can also toggle and change the sounds of the timer alarms here.
  • Roles allows you to handle a few special gameplay mechanics.
    • Wake Dead will prompt you to wake roles that have already been eliminated for games where roles are not revealed when they are eliminated.
    • The Magician is a special role that uses a different special ability each night, and Set Magician Roles allows you to specify which abilities are available. The list of available choices depends on which games and collections you own in the Manage Collection screen.
    • Custom Roles allows you to create custom roles and assign them to one of the 2 blank cards that are included in Ultimate Werewolf Bonus Roles. You can create as many roles as you like and save them, choosing up to 2 to assign to your blank cards.


Before using the Deck Builder, tap Settings then Manage Collection and turn on the games and expansions you own. If you own the Collector’s or Super Collector’s Editions, turn on Extreme, Bonus Roles, and Pro. If you want to prevent the deck builder from using certain cards, you can tap Exclude Cards from this menu. Tap each card you do not want to use.


  • Each deck attribute except Players can be toggled on and off.
  • Balance is the sum of the numbers printed on the bottom left of each card.
  • Difficulty is how hard it is for the moderator to run the game.
    • Games with more difficulty have additional complexity for the moderator to manage. Using this app will handle most of this for you, but first-time moderators may want to start with low difficulty games.
  • Length is how long the game should last.
    • Shorter games will have extra elimination roles. Longer games will have extra protection roles.
  • Info is how much information is available to the village during the game.
    • Roles like the Seer provide info. The amount of information is denoted by the number of cracks in the top of the fence post.
    • Info will automatically increase incrementally as you add more players.


Each of these are also explained on the help screen inside the Deck Builder menu.

  • Create Deck will make a deck based on your selected deck attributes.
  • Choose Cards will let you pick specific cards to include in your game. You can also select the Exclude Cards button on this screen to ensure certain cards will not be in your game.
  • Saved Decks will take you to your previously saved decks.


This screen shows the roles included in the deck based on selected deck attributes. You may need to scroll to see all the roles in the deck. Roles with multiple copies have a red circle with the number needed.You may need to scroll to see all the roles in the deck.


When generating a deck, the app will try to match all of your selected attributes exactly. This may not be possible for every configuration and it could take a long time to finish. If you want to speed up the process and accept a deck that doesn’t perfectly match, you can tap Accept Closest Deck to stop trying.


If it always takes a long time to finish, you may want to change your selected attributes to find something more feasible.


  • Reshuffle creates a new deck with the current deck attributes.
  • Save & Scan & Play saves the deck and lets you start scanning cards.
    • Tap on "Deck Name..." to edit the name of your deck.
    • After you save, the app will prompt you to begin scanning in cards and players.
  • Save This Deck saves the deck.
    • Tap on "Deck Name..." to edit the name of your deck.
    • After you save, the app will take you to a list of saved decks.


The plank at the top of your screen shows how many cards are chosen out of the number of players (from the Deck Builder screen). It will also display the current total balance, difficulty, length, and info values for the selected cards. If you are new to Ultimate Werewolf, keeping each of these values close to 0 will result in a well balanced deck.


  • There are 4 tabs, each for different types of roles.
  • Village Team contains roles for the Village Team: Light and Dark Blue fence posts.
  • Wolves contains the wolves on the Werewolf team: Red fence posts. 
  • Lone Wolves and Red Wolves can be found under Independent.
  • WW Team contains the roles that are on the wolf team but are not wolves.
  • Independents contains all other roles.
  • Roles can be scrolled up to see more.
  • Deck Builder returns you to the main Deck Builder screen. This allows you to modify deck attributes before creating a deck. 
    • Create Deck creates a deck with your deck attributes and selected roles.
      • Show Balance will show the balance score of each role.  
      • Exclude Cards will take you to the menu where you can choose cards to be excluded from your Deck Building. These will not reset until you choose to reset them.


    This screen lists the decks you have saved.
    • These decks remain here for future reference until you remove them.
    • This list is scrollable.
    • Below each deck is a list of the attributes used to create the deck, even for ones where you turned those attributes off on the Deck Builder screen.
    • Selecting a deck will show you the cards in it.
    • Clicking on the red X will delete a saved deck. You will see a confirmation prompt before the deck is truly deleted.
    • Once you click on a saved deck, select Scan and Play to begin scanning cards into the game.
    • Deck Builder returns you to the Deck Builder screen.
    • Main Menu returns you to the Main Menu.


    Card scanning only works with cards that have a QR code on their backs:

    • Scan & Play opens the card scanner.
    • Players should write their names at the top of a name card (download name cards here, or just use white paper).
    • Position role cards with a name card behind and slightly above it to scan roles and names simultaneously:
      • If name scanning is turned on (in Settings) and a name isn’t scanned (either it was missing or it was unreadable), you will be prompted to enter a name.
      • If name scanning is turned off (in Settings), it will not input names as you scan.
      • If Face Scanning is turned on (in Settings), you will be prompted to scan the player’s face after their role card is scanned.
      • In cases of bad lightning or when a player doesn’t want their face scanned, there is a button at the bottom of the screen to manually take a picture.
      • In the top right corner there are 3 toggles: Name/Role, Photo/Art, and Team
      • Name/Role toggles between the player’s name and their role’s name.
      • Photo/Art toggles between the player’s photo and their role’s art.
      • Team toggles between showing and hiding the role's team.
      • Finish Scanning starts a game using the scanned cards. This requires scanning at least three cards.

      DAY 0 SCREEN

          • In the top left corner is a Day Phase Timer and a Day Count. Tap the expand arrows next to the Timer to go to a full screen timer you can show your village.
        • Tap a player to expand it into the middle of the circle.
      • Tap the Name plank to edit the player’s name. The Role/Name setting in the upper right must be set to “Name.”
      • Tap the Camera to retake the player’s picture.
      • Tap the X (Not always available) to eliminate the player from the game.
      • The Undo Arrow at the bottom of the screen will undo the last elimination, mark, or other action.
      • Tap Left Arrow on Day 0 to return to the Card Scanner and scan more roles
      • Tap the Left Arrow on subsequent Day/Night phases to return to the previous phase.
      • Tap Right Arrow to progress to the next Day/Night phase or player action.
      • The first time you tap this arrow, Night 0 begins and you should instruct the players to close their eyes.


      • Night 0 starts with any wake text you need to say.
      • Be sure to tell awake players to go back to sleep between each role.
      • Clicking the right arrow will progress you through all roles that have Night actions.
      • Roles are often instructed to choose 1 or more players.
      • To choose a player, tap their image. This will bring it to the center.
      • Tap Mark Role to mark their role with the current night action role.
      • If you marked a role accidentally, click mark on the role to deselect it.
      • Tap the role in the center of the circle to return it to its original location.
      • Marked Roles have a small icon of the role that marked them.
      • After the last role with a Night action has been completed, the Dawn phase will begin during which you should eliminate any players selected for elimination during the night. Some roles have special functions that will activate during this time that would not activate if you proceed to the Day phase.
      • Eliminate any roles that have been marked for elimination.
      • Eliminate roles by tapping on them to bring them to the center of the circle. Then tap the X under the image. During the night, this X icon only appears during the Dawn phase.
      • Click the right arrow to proceed to the next Day phase.
      • Click the Play button on the Day Timer to begin the Day village discussions. Tap the Expand button to show a full screen timer you can show the village.
      • After the game has started, the Gear icon will take you to the Settings screen, which will allow you to quit to the Main Menu. 
        • You can use this to exit the game at any time (progress will NOT be saved).
        • After one team has reached its victory condition, the app will announce the winning team. You can then tap the Main Menu button to exit the game. 


        • Write your name with a Sharpie for best results.
        • On some devices, the card should *not* fill the frame completely for best results.
        • Scan players in a clockwise circle, starting with the player to the moderator's left.