Welcome weary travelers to the Official Unofficial Variants for Rebel Princess Deluxe Edition! We, the Bézier Games Development Team, have long delighted in these wickedly vicious variants and wish to share our magnanimous maleficence with the masses. Be warned! These variants have not been fully tested nor are they guaranteed to provide a well-balanced experience. However, for those brave souls who fear no imbalance or randomly generated goblin, adventure and hilarity await!
Instead of playing ONE round card per round, you shall play TWO round cards per round. Round 5 will have TWO hourglass cards. Players will perform the stated draft on both round cards simultaneously. Be warned! Some pairs may contradict each other. We suggest replacing one round card with a newly drawn one or reconcile the pairing the best way you can, with the owner of the game having the last say.
All five round cards will be the dreaded hourglass cards. Be sure to message your loved ones prior to playing as you may not return as your former self.
At the end of each round, pass your princess to the player on your right. Be warned! Some players forget which princess they're playing with each new round. Best chant her name several times lest you forget to summon her powers.
Each player plays as two princesses instead of just one princess. An individual player cannot activate more than one of their princesses during one trick. Princesses refresh at the end of the round as per the basic rules. During set up in a 3/4/5/6 player game, each player is dealt 4/3/2/2 princesses; then, each player discards down to two princesses if able. In both 5- and 6-player games, players are subject to the whimsical whims of fate.