Rebel Princess Deluxe Edition Promos & Extras

*PLEASE NOTE - In an effort to keep shipping prices down for individual purchases of promo cards for Rebel Princess Deluxe Edition, Carmesina and Beauty, will ship without tracking in a fortified envelope. Due to this shipping reduction, these items are NOT eligible for discounted Wolfpack shipping.


Rebel Princess Deluxe Edition Promos & Extras Available for Purchase:

  • Promo Princess 1: Carmesina
  • Promo Princess 2: Beauty (Pre-Order)
  • Deluxe Edition Scorepads


Promo Princess 1: Carmesina

Behold, Princess Carmesina "Deluxe" and her power of Reflection!

Reflection: Use the power of any princess in the game that has not been activated yet this round.

  • This version of Carmesina is only compatible with Rebel Princess Deluxe Edition.
  • Carmesina Deluxe is no longer a card; She's a punchboard tile exactly like the other 12 princesses in the Deluxe Edition.
  • And yes, that is a reflexive substance on the card, so you can see yourself when you hold up the card!

Promo Princess 2: Beauty (Pre-Order)

Behold, Princess Beauty "Deluxe" and her power of Kingmaker!

Kingmaker: Immediately after you play a card, switch any 2 cards (except the Frog) that have been played.

  • This version of Beauty is only compatible with Rebel Princess Deluxe Edition.
  • Beauty Deluxe is not a card; She's a punchboard tile exactly like the other 12 princesses in the Deluxe Edition.
  • Beauty will have embossed art elements allowing sunlight to shimmer on her beloved roses.

Deluxe Edition Score Pads

Each order will consist of two double-sided score pads identical to the one found in Rebel Princess Deluxe Edition.

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